MOBY DICK vs A.H.A.B. | All Heroes Are Bastards
A longing for revenge with Puppets and Performers
by Roscha A. Säidow inspired by Herman Melville

A captain is chasing a white whale. What sounds like a romantic adventure goes far beyond that. What is it that keeps a group together, bond by and committed to an equal goal? What are their dynamics? Fun fact: the RAF already recognized themselves in Moby Dick and chose their aliases from it - and Andreas Baader was Ahab.

Based on the novel by Herman Melville Roscha A. Säidow designs a piece about Revenge, Madness, Fanaticism and Terrorism.
The RETROFUTURISTEN and the Ensemble of the Schauspiel Dortmund bring a fantastic world on stage between Puppets and Performers.

Premiere: March 27, 2015 | Theatre Dortmund



Playwright | Director: Roscha A. Säidow
Stage and Costume Design: Julia Plickat
Overhead Design: Retrofuturisten
Puppet Design and Building: Magdalena Roth, Franziska Dittrch
Music: Bernhard Range
Dramaturgy: Dirk Baumann
Cast: Franziska Dittrich, Magdalena Roth,
Sebastian Graf, Johannes Hubert, Uwe Schmieder

Photocredit: Birgit Hupfeld

"A strange dream. Highly aesthetic and a feast for the eyes. The bottom line of this also in every moment political show: there are no simple solutions for complex issues."

– Deutschlandfunk, March 30, 2015

MOBY DICK vs. A.H.A.B. hardly leaves a viewer unbothered. The play does not provide definitive answers about why someone becomes a terrorist, but it does open a discussion. Highly recommended!
—, March 30, 2015
The RETROFUTURISTS around director Roscha A. Säidow draw a line from the novel to modern terror. […] This chase through theatrical forms, this multifaceted game between literature and life, this montage of elements that at first glance seem incompatible, is not only accurate, but also highly entertaining.
— Westfälischer Anzeiger, March 30, 2015

SENLIMA (Collaboration with Papermoon Indonesia)


CRY BABY CRY (Mask Theatre)